DTU Aqua
DTU Aqua – National Institute of Aquatic Resources – is an institute at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).
DTU Aqua carries out research, provides advice, educates at university level, and contributes to innovation in sustainable exploitation and management of aquatic resources. The Institute investigates the biology and population ecology of aquatic organisms, aquatic physics and chemical processes and ecosystem structure and dynamics.
The Institute undertakes advisory tasks for the Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark and other public authorities, the commercial fisheries, the aquaculture industry and international commissions.
DTU Aqua’s Head Office is located north of Copenhagen near the town of Lyngby. However some of the Institute’s employees are located in other parts of Denmark, for example at the North Sea Science Park. Here the Institute works mainly with aquaculture, fisheries and monitoring technology, and monitoring of fish and shellfish stocks.
DTU Aqua - P.O. Box 101, North Sea Science Park, Willemoesvej 2, DK-9850 Hirtshals, Denmark, Tel. +45 3588 3300, aqua@aqua.dtu.dk, www.aqua.dtu.dk